Which species are being studied?
Trees and Shrubs
Betula lenta – sweet birch
Carya glabra – pignut hickory
Fraxinus americana – white ash
Liquidambar styraciflua - sweetgum
Nyssa sylvatica – tupelo
Quercus alba – white oak
Ulmus americana – American elm
Resources for this site
(for registered observers):
Coming soon!
Ward pound ridge Reservation (westchester county parks)
Pound Ridge, New York
Organization description:
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is the largest and one of the most diverse parks in Westchester County (4,315 acres). Transforming farmland into the park in 1935 involved Reservation and Westchester County employees, local organizations, and the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is a Biodiversity Reserve Area with many of miles of trails, active research projects, and award winning educational programs.
Trailside Nature Museum
Established in 1937, the Trailside Nature Museum is one of the oldest museums of its kind in the United States. It is home to a large collection of mounted animals, American Indian artifacts, educational exhibits, child-friendly interactive displays, and nature-oriented artwork. The museum hosts thousands of school children and scouts each year for a variety of educational programs including stream study, American Indian culture, maple sugaring, and badge work. Family-oriented nature programs are scheduled for the general public on nearly every weekend.
During the summer months, butterfly and moth hatcheries are maintained inside the museum for a close look at the miracle of metamorphosis. Be sure to go butterflying at the outside demonstration butterfly garden which attracts parades of butterflies. The brochure Butterflies of Ward Pound Ridge Reservation lists 83 species that have been seen on the grounds. Birds of field and forest abound throughout the year. Birds of Ward Pound Ridge Reservation contains a checklist of the 184 species recorded in the park to date. In addition, there is a one-half acre wildflower garden containing more than 80 different kinds of labeled wildflowers. There are several self-guided nature trails – directions and pamphlets are available in the museum.
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is also the home of the Delaware Indian Research Center, a vast collection of books and artifacts concerning American Indians, especially the Delaware. The Research Center is well utilized by both students and educators and has assisted several authors in researching their publications. The Research Center is open to the public by appointment.
Organization Mission and Goals:
The Friends of the Trailside Nature Museum and Ward Pound Ridge Reservation is a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting a better appreciation and understanding of the natural world and the relationship between people and the land.
Through its support of the Trailside Nature Museum, operated by the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Conservation of the County of Westchester, the Friends provide financial and volunteer aid for exhibits, school, and education programs.
Phenology Project Description:
The Phenology Trail at Ward Pound Ridge was established in the summer of 2014. The program was started by Dan Atchinson of Westchester County Parks and Stephanie Viola of New Yor University. The trail will monitored primarily by staff in 2015 and will be actively recruit citizen scientists as the program develops. Stay tuned!
To learn more about the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation Phenology Program or to get involved:
Website: Friends of Trailside Nature Museum and Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
How to get involved: Volunteer opportunities at the Trailside Museum and Ward Pound Ridge Reservation
Coordinator: Dan Atchinson, dxa1@westchestergov.com