Training Resources
How to Observe -- Plant and Animal Phenology Handbook
How to Observe, Nature's Notebook Plant and Animal Phenology Handbook, provides a wealth of useful information to guide trainers and inform volunteers and staff.
Volunteer Information and guidelines: Examples
The protocol used by new volunteers at the Refuge as a guide for making a phenology monitoring visit. This example of guidelines for phenology monitoring may provide a useful model for other sites.
Botany Primer
The Botany Primer -- Another invaluable resource from the folks at National Phenology Project.
The phenology orientation presentations below are models of training materials that can be used for group presentations, individualized learning, or review of step-by-step procedures by volunteers or staff. For open source presentations in PowerPoint format with all photos and graphics included visit the National Phenology Network's Workshop Archive.
Introduction to Nature's Notebook (pptx): National Phenology Network
Jamaica Bay Phenophases, Part 1: Gateway National Park (Jamaica Bay)
Jamaica Bay Phenophases, Part 2: Gateway National Park (Jamaica Bay)
Phenology-Pollinator Training, Part 1: Community Greenways Collaborative
Phenology-Pollinator Training, Part 2: Community Greenways Collaborative
Training for Volunteers (pdf): Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Training for Volunteers (pptx): Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Webinars from National Phenology Network
How do you set up a Nature's Notebook account? What do scientists do with the data we collect? What are we learning from the data? Find out by watching a webinar! Check out NPN's Webinar Archive.
Tricky Phenophases Webinar: National Phenology Network
Due to audio issues, the sound starts at 1:28.
How do I know when a leaf bud has broken? Do I count the number of seeds or seed heads? When is a fruit ripe? In this video we provide answers to these common questions and more.