Saratoga National Historic Park
Stillwater, New York
Organization Description:
Saratoga National Historical Park is located in the scenic upper Hudson River Valley in the towns of Stillwater and Saratoga, New York. The park preserves sites associated with a significant American military victory during the Revolution. The battles of Saratoga rank among the most decisive in world history. Here in 1777 American forces met, defeated and forced a major British army to surrender.
Organization Goals:
​The National Park Service preserves the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country.
Phenology Project Description:
Saratoga NHP began the Battlefield Phenology Trail in 2010 and has made additions to species and number of individuals over the years. In 2012 the Victory Woods, Phenology Trail was created.
To learn more or get involved:
Websites: National Park Service: Saratoga
Coordinator: Linda White, NPS Biological Technician,
Which species are being studied?
Battlefield Trail
Trees and Shrubs
Acer negundo - boxelder
Cornus racemosa - grey dogwood
Populus tremuloides - quaking aspen
Syringa vulgaris - common lilac
Rosa multiflora - multiflora rose (invasive)
Fragaria virginiana - Virginia strawberry
Podophyllum peltatum - mayapple
Andropogon gerardii - big bluestem
Odocoileus virginianus - white-tailed deer
Lithobates clamitans - green frog
Victory Woods Trail
Trees and Shrubs
Querus alba - white oak
Podophyllum peltatum - mayapple
Photos by: Jacquie Tinker
Photo by: Jacquie Tinker