About Us
We are a network...
We are amplifying the ecological power of our communities by providing training and data collection sites for the individuals, students and teachers who visit and work with us. Each organization has launched an independent networked phenology research initiative and is collecting data in various ways with their own unique combination of staff, citizens, teachers and students. The various styles of data collection will allow us to track the capacity of each model to provide high quality data.
We are comprised of...
Nature Centers, Academic Research & Education Institutions, National Parks and Public Education Institutions, Land Trusts and more. Many of the orgnizations came together through a consortium called the Environmental Monitoring and Management Alliance (EMMA). Community Greenways Collaborative (CGC), is managing the phenology based research on behalf of the EMMA organizations and is actively recruiting new partner sites.
Each organization is utilizing the phenology initiative to meet their distinct missions and goals and has implemented it in different forms. However, the protocols are standardized and a specific species list is used to target patterns over an urbanization gradient. Our various experience levels with phenology monitoring allow us to learn from each other and build resources for the region. We are an example of a networked initiative built by the power of collaboration and community engagement.
Member Organizations
Central and Northern New York
Parkside Drive Park, Lake Placid, NY
Mid and Lower Hudson Valley
Vassar College (Vassar Farm & Ecological Preserve), Poughkeepsie, NY**
Ward Pound Ridge (Westchester County Parks), Pound Ridge, NY**
KTD Monastery, Woodstock, NY*
Zen Mountain Monastery, Mt. Tremper, NY*
New York City
Long Island
** Members of EMMA (Environmental Monitoring and Management Alliance)
* Member Organizations with Sites Under Development